Musketeer - This was a small film starring Kevin McNally of Pirate Of The Caribbean fame. I produced key art, unit stills and BTS.
Elliott Kastner - Film Producer. A commission to photograph this famed film producer of 73 features including Where Eagles Dare and Angel Heart.. This was the last official shoot with Elliott.
BBC - Babyfather. Commission to shoot stills for the actor Frasier James’ character ‘Linvall’ who was a wedding photographer but who shot abstract nudes.
BBC - Treasure: The Trials of A Teenage Terror. Photographing the actors as the performed their voice overs for their respective characters.
Cable and Wireless - Commissioned for a series of photographs covering the Caribbean islands where they supported local projects in the community. A book was created which went to a raft of embassies and an exhibition at the Durbar Court inside the Commonwealth Office in Whitehall.